



All texts, picture data and even our works of art are "copyright protected" Any imitation, copying, reproduction or use without consent will result in legal action.

What would this mean, regarding each individual case?
This would mean that not only the pictures of the wall paintings, but each of the individual paintings have copyright protection. .

In this respect please consider the following points

1. Designers and creators
2. Distribution & Sales / Dealers
3. Photographs
4. Prosecution / Legal action
5. Statutory offence: Guilty according to "§ 106 UrhG" (Ger. Copyright Law)
6. Non-compliant parties ( i.e. "cease and desist" )

1. Designers / Copyright owners

We are the sole copyright owners and creators of all hand painted wall paintings on offer in this Online Shop. Besides presenting the layout of the canvas boards, we have also created each motif for each individual hand painted picture.

2. Distribution & Dealership

Except for a few exceptions, our distribution and delivery activities do not include other intermediate suppliers or other sub-contractors. All hand-painted wall pictures on offer in our shop are produced and distributed by us, at our company premises and for our company. We therefore function as a combined unit: artist, "primary" producer and seller. If you wish to use our pictures in your webshop or store/shop, you should contact us and seek permission: Contact

3. Photos

Furthermore, our paintings` photographs are also legally protected. The unpermitted commercial use - whether in partial or indirect form - is prohibited and will result in due legal process / prosecution

4. Prosecution / Legal action

Infringement of copyright ownership is not a trivial offence, but a case of theft, i.e. criminal offence. In such a case we will initiate due legal proceedings with the relevant authorities of the country in question. We are represented by a legal team ( solicitors )"Anwaltssozietät Boehmert & Boehmert", and as such they represent our interests on the international stage. We are the designers, producers and sellers of all hand-painted wall pictures on offer in this shop. Our efforts are geared towards creating and designing pictures and to transform these into a sales-boosting product. It is our ambition to gain a certain level of appeal with a sizeable majority. We strictly oppose the duplication or usage for reproduction of other artists` works of art. Our existence ( livelihood )is based on the sale of self-made and self-designed wall pictures. Therefore all hand painted wall pictures on offer in this shop are fully protected by propietary law! They are part of our "intellectual property". Henceforth, by law, no further certification or patent processes are necessary. As "authorized by the law in force", any illegal reproduction or imitation attempts, concerning our intellectual and physical property, will lead to prompt charges and consequent legal action.

5. The act of infringing upon our propietary ownership laws is a legal offence:

"§ 106 UrhG" - Usage, without consent - of copyright art works,
(1) He/she who reproduces/imitates/redesigns/ distributes a piece of art, in other than the legally permissible cases shall be punished by a sentence of up to three years or face a corresponding fine.
(2) The attempt to do so is a criminal offence, i.e. punishable

6. Cases of non-compliance

In the past there have been numerous unsucessfull cases of attempts to copy and sell our hand-painted wall pictures. In these instances artists and sellers from various countries have attempted to hand-paint and/or print, imitate or to counterfeit, with the final aim of making financial gains and profits.

We are dependent on the sale of our designed pictures. Just like any other designer, irrespective of the product on sale (furniture, buildings, vehicles or technical equipment), we seek to protect our intellectual property and shall pursue all guilty or theft-involved parties promptly and with all related consequences.

As an example to all non-comforming or non-compliant persons, we have included the latest/last three cases of theft ( Intellectual Property Infringement ) As the Declaration of Property Right Declaration has been clearly defined and is globally accepted and applicable, we have been able to contest EACH and EVERY case to our advantage/

Here are three cases concerning "Original and Counterfeit/Fake Versions":

Original 1


Original 2


Original 3


Fake 1


Fake 2


Fake 3



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